Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 5 and 6 of the "No Poo" shampoo experiment (evening of day 4 too!)

Ok folks... here it is.  So I just rinsed my hair on Thursday night and I'll admit it did feel pretty "heavy" on Friday, not quite but almost on the verge of dirty.  Which it was Friday, and the end of the week, so I put a wide fabric hair band to cover as much hair as possible and didn't worry about it.  Friday wasn't what I would call horrible... but on that day I would say I was ready for my hair to do the magical adjustment that I keep reading about.  I didn't have any plans on Friday night, so I hit the gym after work and went home and chilled.  (Side note, I finished my 10 week zero to running program and ran a little over 2 miles in 30 minutes.  Slow but I ran for 30 minutes straight, and I was thrilled with that!!)  I did a quick rinse off before I went home.  I was planning on hitting a spin class Saturday morning, so I figured I didn't need to be squeaky clean to sleep, and I was going to change my sheets anyway on Saturday so I just didn't care.  :)  So what, call me dirty.  This is the end of day 4.  So Thursday rinse, Friday Rinse.

Saturday rolls around and yea, I'd say my hair was dirty.  I hit spin, then cleaned up at at the gym because Kerri and I were going to go get pedicures.... I rinsed my hair at the gym and let it dry naturally... because let's face it, the hairdryer they have at the gym sucks.  My hair still did it's curly frizzy crazy woman thing... and I didn't like how it felt, but again, I survived.  I ran errands that day and eventually made it home.  That evening I decided I needed a proper shower and was going to baking soda/apple cider vinegar my hair.  The difference is I decided to blow it dry vs. letting it dry naturally.  Uhm.  My hair looked and felt great.  I didn't use any smoothing products (like I usually do) and just blowing it dry it looked pretty darn decent.  I pulled out my flat iron and ran it over the ends.  Wow... my hair looked really great.  It looked like it does when I spend a lot of time on it and use all kinds of "hold" products.  It was smooth and shiny, but still had body.  I kind of fell in love with the no poo thing last night.  Would I say it was perfect and totally adjusted?  No, not quite yet.... but it's definitely on the upswing.

IS my hair totally adjusted?  No... I think I still have another week till I really see a difference, then maybe another one or two before I see a difference letting it air dry.   I may be wrong...but we shall see.  I think my hair is short enough that a once a week baking soda/acv rinse won't be enough.  But It's easy enough that I could do it daily if I wanted.  Today (Day 6) I haven't done anything to it besides roll out of bed, and I think I could get away with just a rinse.  I know you have to find your right "formula", and every one's is different... so I'm thinking for now I'll BS/ACV every other day... and see how it goes.  I think this is going to be a success.  The key is just sticking with it.  How many years have I been stripping the natural oils out of my hair?  Uhm, all my life.  I really recommend this no poo thing, just give it 2 full weeks.  If your hair feels too dry, cut back on the BS/ACV, too oily, do it more often.  I will say I think the clarifying shampoo I did (no conditioner) on my "day 1" helped.  That stripped all the silicone and other crap out of it, which is making for an easier adjustment period in my opinion.

I will keep giving updates until I feel my hair is totally adjusted and give a final thumbs up or down.  As of today, I think it is going to be a thumbs up.  Now I'm really determined to go natural for my hair color too.  Uhg.  I know how much of a mess henna (and how much it stinks) is... but I'm going to give it a go in another few weeks.  I will for SURE write about that.  And no, I won't do straight henna.... I like my dark hair... so I'll be doing a henna/indigo mix.  Yes, the same indigo that is used to dye jeans.  Man, am I turning into a hippie tree huger?  Nah.  But maybe modern technology doesn't always have it right.

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