Monday, July 21, 2014

No Poo experiment end of week 2

So I'm still no-Pooing... and I'm still pretty good with it... but I do wish things would hurry up and progress.  With more reading I have discovered it can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks for your hair to adjust.  Here are some of my observations, and what I'm going to try to fix them.

My hair seems pretty dry on the ends.  But in between my BS/ACV rinses I feel waxy near my scalp (I don't want to say greasy, cause that just isn't really right).  I still have crazy person hair if I let it dry naturally (aka, frizzy and quasi-curly) but if I dry it with a hair dryer and straighten the ends it looks really good (Except when I'm visiting Dad in Corpus Christi... HUMIDITY IS NOT MY FRIEND).  I can't go more than a day, max 2 in between BS/ACV rinses.... and I know I should.... but I'm really ready for my ends to catch up with my scalp.  I miss my hair smelling "good".  Not that my hair smells bad.... it doesn't smell at all... but it doesn't have that fruity, flowery or whatever smell that I'm used to my clean hair having.

Trouble Shooting Steps (yea, yea... I'm a computer geek)
1.  To help with the dry ends, I have acquired some unrefined organic coconut oil.  I'm going to try smoothing that on my ends.  If it is too much, I've heard it makes a great moisturizer for your skin.
2.  I am going to try an Aloe Vera and Honey mixture as an in between "shampoo/conditioner".  You "shampoo" in this mixture and leave it for a few minutes, then rinse out.  I've read that you may have a week of white stuff (build up from the evil shampoo and conditioner you used all your life) sloughing off your hair and scalp, but I'm hoping that since I clarified first, I won't.
  • 1/4 c of aloe gel. Get good aloe vera gel, not the cheap stuff with dye and alcohol in it. I got mine here:
  • 2 TBS Honey
3. has Hydrosols that I'm going to try in order to help girl up my hair scent.   Hydrosols are basically flower water made from steam distilling.  I'm trying Rose and a Lavender.  They are pretty inexpensive, but the more popular scents do sell out.  They are only distilled once a season.  Interesting.  
4.  I'm going to cut back on my baking soda in my mix some, see if I can find a concentration that works a little better without drying out my ends.  I know you are only supposed to BS on your scalp, but I have shorter hair so it tends to get all over.  I still don't see how people do this only once a week... but I'm still keeping an open mind, and giving this another month or so.  Worst case, I don't like how my hair feels, and I go Lo Poo....I'm sure that will be fine, as I'm about 75% of the way on board with No Poo... if it doesn't get better than 75%, I'll switch... if it does, then whoooo!!!!

Edit:  I've found an alternative I just might try... especially if it smells good.  I'm going to give the BS/ACV thing a few more weeks... but then I think I'll see how I like this:

Instructions:DIY Herbal Hair Wash

  1. Mix together equal parts of each ingredient, e.g. 1 Tbsp each*.
  2. Stir in hot water to make a paste – not too thin that it all runs out of your hair but not too thick that it’s hard to spread. Let cool so it doesn’t burn you.
  3. In the shower, apply and lather like you would shampoo**. Let it sit on your hair to sink in for five minutes.
  4. Rinse it out. It’s a 2-in-1 with conditioner built in so you’re all done!
* Mixing 1 Tbsp each ingredient makes enough for four showers or over a week if you shower every other day. 

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