I know I slacked off yesterday and didn't provide an update.... sorry about that!!
So, I said I was just going to rinse for day 3, and I broke down and did the baking soda and apple cider vinegar thing again. As usual, I let it dry naturally that evening, and for work the next day I did use the cornstarch/cocoa mixture to soak up some extra oil. Not that my hair was greasy really, but just felt "heavy" like when you get too much of a silicone based product in there... like I described on the first update. So I did my homemade dry shampoo. Sprinkled it in my hair close to my scalp, sort of worked it in and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. It did an adequate job of soaking up any extra oil, but when I brushed it out I had corn starch everywhere. I had to rinse my brush out... and my hair looked dull. I'm wondering if this might be better to do BEFORE you get in the shower, then you can rinse it out.... on days you just rinse not "wash" with Baking soda. I will say my hair did smell cocoa-y, which made my inner child happy. My hair does not look greasy or dirty, it just feels like I went 2 days without washing it... I am looking forward to things evening out some like every post I see says it will.
So, today... day 4... I did just rinse my hair last night... air dried and shot it with the hair dryer this AM so it looked quasi ok to go to work. I will note that I NEVER do much to my hair for work. I dry it and that is it. I've struggled some (ok a lot) with this hair cut because unless I spend LOTS of time "doing" it, well, it looks like poop. This is a big reason why I have decided to let it grow out just a bit. I like doing different things to it too, and when it is short I feel like I just have to wear it that one way. But I need it to be easy for work, and this cut just isn't. I told my boss that my hair was just going to look bad till it grew out some, and she just shrugged her shoulders and said "ok". My point of that ramble is since I already warned her about my hair not looking its best for work because of the cut, and the past month or so it hasn't... I'm not too worried about it looking any worse as my hair adjusts to the no poo treatment.
THAT being said, Day 4 with just a rinse is going ok... it looks about the same, and smells like 2 day old hair. Not bad, but not fresh either. I'll definitely be "washing" it with my baking soda mix tonight. I need to see if it is looking less frizzy, but I'm really not holding my breath on that for another week or two.
I started this experiment because I had changed shampoo's (to Suave Professional's Naturals... the one that is supposed to be as good as Pureology...yea... that one... and IT IS... so if you don't want to go no poo, I highly recommend it!) and I noticed a rash on my neck. So I have changed soap, laundry detergent and now shampoo... the rash still persists, but I'm going to change my soap one more time back to something I've used before with no problem... I like fancy soaps and maybe my skin doesn't. Dove, here I come!
So, there is my update... :)
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