Well, this is just going to be a quickie....I don't have a lot to report today. Last night I did do the baking soda and apple cider vinegar routine... it felt fine afterwards... still a bit frizzy like the day before when I did a clarifying shampoo. I'll tell ya I put the apple cider in a squirt bottle, the kind you use when you work out... and it worked really well. I'm going to do the same for the baking soda solution. It was hard using a cup to get the baking soda solution just near my scalp... I ended up covering my whole head.... It was much easier to target the ends of my hair with the ACV in the squirt bottle.
Again, I let it dry naturally before going to bed. This morning I did wake up to a bunch of body and curls...but still frizzies. A couple shots with a hair dryer and it looked good enough to throw a headband in it and go to work. I wouldn't say it feels greasy today, but a little heavier... like when you get just a little too much product in your hair... There is no bad smell either. Just smells like me. Tonight I'm just going to rinse it out with hot water. I think I'm going to do a every other day baking soda routine for the first couple of weeks, then back it off to hopefully once a week. It is easy enough I could do it daily... but part of the beauty of this is you don't have to.
I was a little disappointed that I felt it wasn't oily enough to use my cornstarch/cocoa mixture to help absorb some of the excess.... I'm sort of wanting to use that.... and still hoping my hair comes out smelling like cocoa.
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