Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My No Poo experiment, kicking shampoo to the curb... Day 1

Ok, so I've been reading about the no shampoo craze that all the kids are doing now days.  Ok, actually, it's not really hipster I just like to think it is.  But I've decided to give it a try.

In a nutshell, you mix baking soda with water, pour it on your head and sort of massage it in...rinse then you use Apple Cider Vinegar in water as a conditioner.  (I'll post links with more specifics below.)  It's cheap, and you only have to do it 1-3x a week... just rinse your hair in warm water between poo's.  It is supposed to completely change your hair for the better, if you can live through the adjustment period of 1-2 weeks.  So shampoo wasn't even invented until the 1930's.... and if you look at old pictures, the ladies had really lovely hair.  The no poo method is supposed to completely get rid of frizzy hair and make your hair healthy and shiny... most of the people who have tried it said they also gave up styling products except for maybe hairspray for an updo... supposedly they didn't need other products (to boost volume, smooth frizzies, etc) after going no poo.  So shampoo strips your hair of it's natural oils, so your scalp produces more.  Same concept as people with oily skin stripping their skin with harsh cleansers... it makes your skin more oily (yes, I love the oil cleansing method... and use it on my oily skin.  It has never looked better).  So, I'm convinced this is going to work for me.  One of my friends who does it says it even stopped his hair loss.  That's pretty awesome.

Last night, I shampooed my hair for the last time.  I read using a clarifying shampoo helps with the adjustment period... so I used one last night.  No conditioner... just shampoo and air dry.  I will say that my hair felt soft... but was a bit of a frizz ball.   Yes, this picture was taken as I was getting ready for bed... don't mock my sleep shirt.

So, tonight I'll just rinse.

Some things I was concerned about and found satisfactory answers for:

  • What about when I work out?  Uhm... rinse the sweat out of your hair.  It won't stink. Ok, that's easy enough, and my biology knowledge does back that one up.  
  • What about when I swim?  Wear a swim cap and rinse afterwards.  
  • What if I just feel too oily to go to work while adjusting?  Use cornstarch with unsweetened cocoa powder to absorb excess oil.  That's more or less a natural dry shampoo.  The cocoa doesn't do anything really, except add a little color for brunettes so you don't have a white haze in your brown hair.  Personally, if it adds a little cocoa smell to my hair...bonus.  
  • What if I want my hair to smell flowery and good like my shampoo makes it smell?  A few drops of essential oil rubbed in your hands then rubbed through your hair will do the trick.  
  • What will my hair smell like?  Nothing really... sort of like your skin just smells like you... your hair will just smell like you.  

So I went to the grocery store and got my supplies.  Arm and Hammer baking soda, Apple Cider Vinegar, Corn Starch and unsweetened powdered Cocoa.  Conveniently all found in the baking aisle.  I did also pick up a boar hair bristle brush....I remember them being super expensive, but found a Conair one with a wooden handle that I liked for $10.  There was also a Goody one with a plastic handle for about $6.... but I liked the feel of the wooden handle so I splurged.  The boar hair bristle brushes are supposed to help distribute the natural oils your scalp produces all along your hair.

Depending on how this turns out, I might go natural with my hair color as well.  I JUST colored it last weekend, so I have some time to decide.  I can do a blend of  1/3 Henna, 2/3 Indigo and Alma for my cool dark brown.  If it isn't dark enough I can up the Indigo.  I know Henna is a mess and not quick (you have to let it sit for 1-2 hours on your head... but regular hair color is 45 minutes, so it isn't that big of a deal... Stay tuned for updates on my going hippy natural with my hair.

No Poo links:

There is lots of no-poo info out there...these are the two that I found helpful.

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